Nerds on Earth
The best place on Earth for nerds.

Nerds on Earth: A FAQ

Nerds don’t seem very complicated, do they? Just give them some comic books and a D&D Monster Manual, then plop them down in front of a Marvel movie. Well, there are also gadgets, and collections, and fandoms, and a million more things…so attuning into a Nerds’ brain actually gets complicated.

So we don’t want to assume everyone just “gets it” with Nerds on Earth, because because many of you may have questions. That’s why we’ve decided to devote this space today to a little FAQ.

We’ve invited Ivan Banionis of the Tracksuit mafia to ask the questions, with instructions to keep them relating to Nerds on Earth:

[Ivan] How many Nerds are there?

That’s simple. There are more than can be plugged into a six-outlet USB charging station but fewer than the price of a LEGO Sandcrawler set 75509. We don’t treat Nerds on Earth as a business, we treat it as a hobby that keeps a group of buddies connected, despite the writers at Nerds on Earth being scattered all across the United States.

Us buddies keep in touch during the day in our Discord channel. And we use Nerds on Earth as a creative outlet for our shared hobbies. It beats sitting around on the couch mindlessly consuming Netflix, and friendship is vitally important, particularly during these pandemic times, so we’re thankful that this website serves as a vehicle for us to stay in each others’ lives.

[Ivan] Now, let’s say you are the type of Nerd that is into tinkering and just so happen to know how to convert black market LEGO Technic kits into a security bypasss system. THEN… how many Nerds are there?

…I don’t understand your question, but Abram is our Creative Director and….

[Ivan, interrupting] Let me get this straight: You Nerds create content on comic books, Marvel movies, board gaming, D&D stuff, plus much more?

Uh, sure? But we’re all kinda brain mush from the pandemic, so we’re not clicking on all the cylinders we once were. Whereas we’d publish daily before the pandemic, it’s typically every other day or so now.

But, yeah, we’re Nerds and this is the stuff we love and we try to be creative rather they simply consumptive, even though all the other websites our size have moved operations to Eastern Europe and have shifted all content to Crypto news.

[Ivan] Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who said anything about me running an unauthorized Crypto business out of my apartment in the Forest Hills community of Queens, NY?

What? The Crypto business comment was just a joke. And we were not the ones to say anything about it being unauthorized or operated out of your apartment in Queens.

[Ivan] Oh, now you’re telling everyone where I live? You want the feds in here? Is that what this is? A bust?

But wait, you said–

[Ivan] You know what? Forget it. Tomas! Enrique! Dmitri! Chico! Yolanda! Patrice! Mark! Timmy! Big Jimbo! Little Jimbo! Tam-Tam! Uri! Other Dmitri! Tom-Tom! Chucky! Tum-Tum! Turn off that Marvel movie and bleach your stations! We’ve been made!

Huh, interesting.

OK, let’s get this FAQ back on track.

We hope you enjoy our website and you find something nerdy that interests you. Just take a look around.

One thing we do get asked frequently is why we do Lists of 7. Well, that’s because we started as buddies who would email our “dream team” X-Men picks back and forth. In fact, those X-Men lists were the very first articles we published. We were doing it so frequently that we thought, “Huh, why don’t we create a website to publish our lists?”

And 8 X-Men felt like too many characters to write cohesively in a comic, but 6 X-Men didn’t feel like quite enough. So, 7 X-Men it was and we simply stuck with that convention for all our lists.

Here’s where you can find us:

We even have some interest groups on Facebook:


And that’s really enough about us. But we’d love to hear from you! Just hearing from a fellow nerd is lovely. Here is our contact page or simply look down in the footer.

If you are a publisher or want to collaborate in some way, simply visit our guidelines for promotional products.

Finally, here are our bios.

Thank you so much for visiting our website. We appreciate you.

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