It’s Said that Everybody Hated Jim Shooter as Marvel’s Editor in Chief. Reality Tells a…
Jim Shooter's reputation and impact on Marvel Comics varies widely from source to source. We take a look at his legacy as editor in chief.
Pioneer, Dispatcher, and War Gamer: Ideas for the Starfinder Career Trooper and Colonist Theme
Starfinder is a wonderful tabletop roleplaying game and has the concept of themes to help make character creation great. Here are several creative takes on the Career Trooper and Colonist themes.
Peter Dinklage, Cages, and Robot Sentinels Who Hunt X-Men
The Sentinels are a classic X-Men villain. Here is the story of Bolivar Trask and his real-world inspiration in creating the X-Men-hunting robots.
Exploring Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, the D&D Campaign Setting and Adventure Book…
Explorer's Guide to Wildemount is the newest D&D campaign setting and adventure book based off the hit Critical Role. Nerds on Earth reviews.