7 Mutants with Head-Scratchingly Weird Powers
Marvel Comics is full of amazing powers and abilities, but these 7 mutants might possess the weirdest out there!
Repair Jockey, Humanitarian, and Doc Ock: Ideas for the Starfinder Battle Tech and Biotechnician…
Starfinder is a wonderful tabletop roleplaying game and has the concept of themes to help make character creation great. Here's the Battle Tech and Biotechnician.
Recap & Review of Picard S1.E10: “Et in Arcadia Ego: Part 2”
Nerds on Earth recaps and reviews Picard S1E10, the season finale: "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2."
Custom Designed Miniatures: Eldritch Foundry
Eldritch Foundry allows you to create custom designed miniatures for your D&D or Pathfinder games.