Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Remembering Saturday Morning Cartoons
In looking back at the old Saturday morning cartoons, we take a look at Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and why it holds such fond memories for so many.
Taxi Driver, Tourist, or Marketing Guru: Ideas for the Spacefarer and Xenoseeker Starfinder Themes
Starfinder is a wonderful tabletop roleplaying game and has the concept of themes to help make character creation great. We look at all 10 Starfinder themes.
Pathfinder 2nd Edition Launch Books are Announced!
Paizo has announced the launch books for Pathfinder Second Edition. Nerds on Earth has the news on Pathfinder 2e!
Preacher, Life Coach, or Historian: Ideas for the Starfinder Priest and Scholar Theme
Starfinder is a wonderful tabletop roleplaying game and has the concept of themes to help make character creation great. We look at all 10 Starfinder themes.