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Let’s talk board games: An Interview with Judson Cowan about Deep Regrets!
Judson Cowan of Tettix Games has "An Unfortunate Fishing Game" coming out called Deep Regrets. Nerds on Earth interviews him.
Mystery Detective: Can you Solve these Cases?
Abram reviews Mystery Detective, the 100-card game of solving ridiculous mystery cases by asking questions, published by Add-A-Game.
Hegemony: Power to the People!
Abram reviews Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory, the sprawling asymmetric real-world simulation board game, published by Hegemonic Project Games.
Red Dragon Inn 9: The Undercity: Even More Tavern-Brawling Fun!
Abram reviews Red Dragon Inn 9: The Undercity, the latest expansion to the Red Dragon Inn board game featuring new characters, published by Slugfest Games.