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Some Best Practices to Help You Feel (and Be) Safe at Cons
Everyone should feel and be safe when they travel to conventions, so here are some guidelines for that very thing. And these aren't just for the benefit of vulnerable populations, this is a guide to help each of us contribute to an…
Bustin’ Makes Me Feel Good: A Quick Review of Ghostbusters The Card Game from Renegade Game…
One of the members of my Wednesday night gaming group is woefully uneducated when it comes to movies. It is straight up embarrassing and it is a wonder we tolerate him at all because of it. So many great references are completely lost on…
7 Nerdy Things You Need in Your Life: Fields’ Shelfie
Whether you're slogging through a stressful time in your life or sitting on top of the world, we all have things that we love that provide an escape or otherwise keep us grounded or centered. So as is the custom at Nerds on Earth, here is…