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The Fortunes Untold Podcast: Episode 3

Episode 03: Forbidden Lands pt. 3
It’s the conclusion of our review of Free League’s retro open-world fantasy RPG “Forbidden Lands“. Join us as Wulfred and Olcan press on into the heart of Castle Weatherstone! We also give our final thoughts on the system and check to see if it Saves vs. Death.

If you liked what you heard about Forbidden Lands, you can find the game at the Free League website:

Fortunes Untold is a show where a group of gamers get together and review different table-top RPGs. But we don’t just tell you about the games, we show you how they play. We’ll try out the rules, we’ll test drive the setting, and at the end of the adventure we’ll hand out Experience Points and see if the system levels up.

We take the crits so you don’t have to.



(Disclaimer: Free League has supplied us with a review copy of the rulebook)

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