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The Fortunes Untold Podcast: Episode 15

Episode 14: Overlight Part 3

Episode 15: Overlight Part 4 (Subscribe on iTunes)

So close! The Skyborn almost broke Shatu Hak out of prison, but nothing ever goes off without a hitch. Can Kyrus and T’haucli defeat the Warden and his goons or is the home court advantage too much for them to overcome?

If you liked what you heard about Overlight, you can find it at the Renegade Games website:

Fortunes Untold is a show where a group of gamers get together and review different table-top RPGs. But we don’t just tell you about the games, we show you how they play. We’ll try out the rules, we’ll test drive the setting, and at the end of the adventure we’ll hand out Experience Points and see if the system levels up.

We take the crits so you don’t have to.

(Disclosure: Renegade Game Studios supplied us with a copy of the rulebook in exchange for an honest review.)
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