Nerds on Earth
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Preview: Wizkids Pathfinder Battles Legendary Adventures Miniatures & Goblin Village

It’s the little things in life, isn’t it? Well, things don’t come much smaller than the Pathfinder Battles miniatures from Wizkids.

Legendary Adventures is the miniatures set that marks the first art and sculpt that depict Pathfinder 2nd Edition (2E). As a result, it’s full of D&D and fantasy basics like goblins, bugbears, and giants. Wizkids has created a nice set of miniatures for this first Pathfinder 2E set: Pathfinder Battles: Legendary Adventures.

Sold in blind boosters at your local game shop, each booster will run you about $15 but comes with one larger pre-painted miniature and three small to medium pre-painted miniatures, giving you great value. There’s more: The Pathfinder Battles: Legendary Adventures set reintroduces HUGE minis, so you might just pull one of those if you’re lucky.

Pathfinder Battles: Legendary Adventures releases later in 2019, but Nerds on Earth has a little preview for you. Still photography first, then see below for the unboxing preview video.

As a bonus, we also have a preview video of the Goblin Village, the premium set that goes with the set. It’s a delight. Give it a look below!

You can pre-order the Goblin Village here. Better yet, ask for it at your FLGS.

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