Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica: Is this for D&D Players or for Magic Fans?
Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica is a new sourcebook that brings Magic: The Gathering lore into the world of Dungeons and Dragons.
Nerd Chat: What in the world will happen in Avengers 4?
Nerds on Earth wonders what in the world will be the followup for Avengers: Infinity War in this week's Slack Chat!
Tips for Running the Tomb of Annihilation D&D Adventure
I was recently a part of a group that completed the adventure Tomb of Annihilation. It is a fantastic module, built in the jungles of Chult, the southern continent in the Forgotten Realms and it is based largely on ending the scourge of the…
What to Listen to this Weekend: The 5 Best RPG Podcasts
We round up five of our favorite actual play podcasts. We have your weekend listening covered.