Slack Chat: The Best Uncanny X-Men Teams
The influence that 80s-era Uncanny X-Men had on the comic industry can't be overstated. Yet in the past decade the title has been relaunched three times and there hasn't even been an Uncanny X-Men title at all since 2016.
But Uncanny…
Sharing 7 Awesome Entries from Starfinder’s Alien Archive 2
Alien Archive 2 for the Starfinder roleplaying is a fantastic new book. As hard as it was, we limited ourselves to sharing only our seven favorites.
The Fortunes Untold Podcast: Episode 7
Welcome to Fortunes Untold, the weekly podcast that plays through independent roleplaying games, three sessions at a time.
Heroes of Dominaria: A New Magic The Gathering Board Game from Wizkids Games
The Heroes of Dominaria board game is new from Wizkids. We take a look at the new board game set in the Magic the Gathering universe.