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What Started Mad Max’s Apocalypse?
The idea of an apocalypse has a rich history in literature. Now the apocalypse is also intrinsically tied to pop culture.
Nerds on Earth is Rare: We’re Enthusiastic
It's an unbelievable time to be a nerd. It's like my seven-year-old self put on my red orange puffy vest and traveled to a time when there are a 100 hours of Hobbits on a big screen, new visits are being made to the Star Wars galaxy, the…
An Open Letter to Joss Whedon
Dear Mr. Whedon,
While on my cruise to Mexico with my family last week, I managed to not see your recently released film Avengers 2: Age of Ultron before we boarded the boat. But while on the cruise, I overheard on the few television…
Your Wish Has Been Granted: New Dragon Ball on the Way
Your wish has been granted, there's a new Dragon Ball on the way. Nerds on Earth takes a look.