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Gigantic Lore That Could Launch Big Story: A Review of Bigsby Presents: Glory of the Giants for…
Want to have your Dungeons and Dragons game feature more giants? Bigsby Presents: Glory of the Giants is your new best friend!
Board Game Review: Follow the Beagle’s Voyage with In the Footsteps of Darwin by Sorry We Are…
Abram reviews In the Footsteps of Darwin, the board game about naturalists following the path of the H.M.S. Beagle, published by Sorry We Are French!
Board Game Review: Discover Species via Dominoes in Vivarium by Studio H!
Abram reviews Vivarium, the board game about discovering new species via dominoes, published by Studio H!
Board Game Review: Unite the Banners in Vaalbara by Studio H!
Abram reviews Vaalbara, the game of uniting the clans under a single banner, published by Studio H!