Marvel Agents of SHIELD S2E3 Review: Making Friends and Influencing People Jason Sansbury Oct 8, 2014 A recap and review of the Agents of SHIELD season 2 episode Making Friends and Influencing People.
Marvel Agents of SHIELD S2E2 Review: Heavy is the Head Jason Sansbury Oct 3, 2014 A recap and review of the Agents of SHIELD season 2 episode Heavy is the Hand.
Marvel Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD: Review of Season 2, Episode 1 Jason Sansbury Sep 23, 2014 A recap of the first episode of the second season of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. What's in store for season two?
Marvel Marvel Agents of SHIELD: A Look Ahead to Season 2 Jason Sansbury May 29, 2014 What are some of the themes and plot lines that we can look forward to in Season 2 of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD?