Nerds on Earth
The best place on Earth for nerds.

The Nerds On Earth Podcast: An Interview With YouTuber Michael Mercy

The Nerds on Earth Podcast features interviews with the creatives behind some of the nerdy things we love. The mission of Nerds on Earth podcast is to celebrate the creativity and professionalism of some of our favorite creators, while being able to take a peek behind the curtain of their craft.

This episode features an interview with Michael Mercy, creator of the EXCELLENT YouTube channel dedicated to 80s toys like GI Joe, Transformers, and more. His “History of…” series alone is pure brilliant joy.

This is a wide-ranging interview. Michael and Clave talk about nostalgia in pop culture, our favorite X-Men, GI Joe, and much more. Give it a listen!

This podcast is presented by Nerds on Earth. It is up to you to decide if you want more nerdy interviews. So if you liked this episode of the pod or any of the others, it’s up to you to let us know. Share the word, but also leave an iTunes review. If you ask for more, we’ll line up more interviews with creators!

Bonus: Check out a video presentation of the podcast below. Visit the Michael Mercy channel for more!

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