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Let’s Talk About Displaying Your LEGO!

It is best hobby in the world but there is one frustrating thing about Lego: How to display it. Of course, how you display will be dictated in large part by what you collect and/or choose to display, as well as space you have available.

Much like when I talked about storage, you need to go with what you got space-wise, but also, displaying in limited spaces can help you to think outside of the box and get creative! So let’s dive in!

What are you collecting? Minifigures or full on sets?

Full Sets

If you are wanting to display full sets, you will need some sort of shelving. Generally, Lego sets are not super heavy, so you don’t have to break the bank for top-end sturdy shelving. IKEA has a lot of great options that will fit your needs well, and if you are like me and want to put most of your money in the acquisition of Lego, then I would utilize things like online marketplaces to help get the best deal!

However, if you want everything to match, you will need to be patient to find the right things on a budget, or you have to make a bit of an investment upfront in order to display your Lego.

I talked about dusting your Lego sets in my cleaning series, but how about focusing on dust prevention. If you can land a shelf that has glass doors that would be an ideal way to keep your sets visible as well as protected from dust. Though, sometimes these enclosed shelves feel uninviting for Lego as, in my opinion, Lego should be held and even played with.

So you will have to decide how freely accessible you want your collection to be as it is a personal choice if you want people handling your Lego collection or not.

Another pro tip is look for at least one corner shelf! This helps maximize almost any space and can really be a fun unique way to display sets that will draw peoples’ eyes towards them! Also, floating shelves look really cool so, much like the hobby of Lego, displaying them is another part of the artistic expression!


There are so many great ways to display minifigures, so my recommendation is really look at as many ideas as you can before you decide on which is your style!

While there are some very cost effective ways to do it, but some of my favorite are not very cost effective. I personally like the enclosed Lego display cases as they protect from dust and dander. Though these cases run expensive, and if you need a lot of them you may have to be patient in tracking them down.        

Recently I have seen a lot of people making their own displays out of, you guessed it, Lego. People are doing it in a variety of ways, some are very complex, others are very simple and most people even make the displays theme based.

Essentially matching your personality is the fun of Lego, whether building or displaying! Which is the point right? We each find one or two, or more, themes that we are drawn to with Lego and we make those the focus of our collection.

Lego allows us to express ourselves like no other hobby, and that is why I absolutely love Lego!

Well, I hope this inspires you to take hold of the rapidly growing Lego hobby and get yours displayed. Thanks for reading and keeping looking for Lego posts as I want to help you build your dream Lego layout, brick by brick. Just search Nerds on Earth!

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