The Top 7 Most Anticipated Board Games of 2019
Nerds on Earth contributor Clave shares his 7 top most anticipated board games of 2019. How good a year will 2019 be for new board game releases? Let's see!
Influence the Community and Bring Victory to Your Faction in Master of Wills
Master of Wills challenges you to sway the people to your side of a conflict to vanquish your enemy.
Dungeons! and Dragons! and Anime! Oh My!
Roll for initiative with a few animes to give you a view into the tabletop world.
Kerry’s Best Books of 2018
I read a lot of books in 2018. Most of them were pretty good, some were great, and a few were amazing (there were a couple of stinkers, too, but I’m not here for that).
Books are made to be read and then shared—who am I to hoard so many…