Comic Haul: Some Classic Comics from the BIG 3 Avengers and My Daredevil #1 Comes Back from CGC
I just got back my Daredevil #1 from CGC.
Board Game Review: The World is Your Wine in Viticulture World by Stonemaier Games!
Abram reviews Viticulture World, a cooperative wine-making board game published by Stonemaier Games! Work together to make the best wines possible!
Fondly Remembering Atlantis Attacks, the 14 Part Marvel Comic Annual Event
Atlantis Attacks was a glorious comic book event that took place across 14 annuals published by Marvel Comics in 1989.
A Beginner’s Guide to PHASE 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
Nerds on Earth gives you a short overview of every Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Phase 4 project.