Codenames: A quick, fun game that you should check out.
Codenames is a great board game for the entire family. Nerds on Earth takes a look.
Glass Cannon Podcast: Episode 101 – Spire Walk With Me
Glass Cannon Podcast Episode 101 - Spire Walk with Me.
Nerd Nostalgia: An Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, a D&D Classic
Nerds on Earth takes a look at Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, one of the all time classic Dungeons and Dragons modules that is getting new attention through games like Starfinder.
A Book of Big Bads: A Review of Bestiary 6 for the Pathfinder RPG
Are you tired of having to face another giant or dragon just to keep combat remotely challenging for your high level characters?
Does a tarrasque now have the intimidation factor of a puppy?
Presenting Bestiary 6 from Paizo…