Friday 5: Nerd Culture Highlights of the Week
Friday 5 collects bits of news, fun, and updates on the week’s best nerdy things. Five quick links and your mana pool is replenished for the week. You can thank us later; first, to the links!
Nerd Culture Highlights for the Week of…
What’s a Nerd to Watch: Recommended Shows for October
Some nerdy shows are coming to the streaming services this month! We share the best stuff coming to Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime in October 2016.
Thomas Aquinas: A Look at a Real Life Cleric for Dungeons and Dragons
Clerics are a huge part of roleplaying games like D&D and Pathfinder. We look at a real life cleric.
A Recap and Review of Agents of SHIELD Episode 402: Meet the New Boss
A Recap and Review of Agents of SHIELD Episode 402: Meet the New Boss