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Entertaining *and* Educational: A Book Review of The Jericho River
When the solicitation for David W. Tollen's The Jericho River made its way to our inbox, I was hesitant to accept at first. Mostly because I was neck deep in reading for work and also working my way through An Almost Tangent, the second…
When is the Book NOT Better than the Movie?
We’ve all heard the phrase, “the book is waaaaayyyy better.” Heck, we’ve all probably said it once or twice. I certainly have.
I love a good book, and am always pleased when a movie “didn’t completely ruin the story.” A few of my…
What are the Dresden Files?
The Dresden Files is a series of fantasy/crime novels written by Jim Butcher. Set in modern day Chicago, the main character is a private investigator named Harry Dresden.
Harry Dresden is also a wizard.
In the world of The Dresden…
You’re Never Weird on the Internet (almost): A Review
When walking into a Barnes & Noble, my nerdy self will make a b-line for the comics, manga, fiction/fantasy fandom section. So when I heard Felicia Day–the "Queen of Nerds"–was writing a book, I nearly died.
I stormed that Barnes &…