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Book Review: Marvel Comics the Untold Story
I bought my first comic in 1981. I was 7 years old. Although I can't remember the specific issue, it was a Spider-man comic and I got it out of a spinner rack in my local drug store.
Over 30 years later I have an old school spinner rack in…
Book Review: The League of Regrettable Superheroes by Jon Morris
Promising on the cover to survey "half-baked heroes from comic book history," Jon Morris' The League of Regrettable Superheroes introduces readers to over one hundred characters "who walked away from their comic book careers without so much…
Introducing the Nerds on Earth Book Club
When it was proclaimed the the Star Wars Expanded Universe novels and comics would no longer be considered canon, I tore my clothes and covered myself in ashes as I despondently cried out to the heavens in anguish.
It was very much like…
How Real is Your Science Fiction?
When I first watched the scene in Star Wars: Phantom Menace that talked about midi-chlorians, I rolled my eyes so hard that I nearly caused myself to black out. Now, please table your "Um, actually", because midi-clorians really just serve…