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Our Favorite Things from Nerd Culture in 2015
As 2015 winds down to a close, we rounded up our authors and gave them a formidable - some might even say impossible - task: Of all that nerd culture had to offer in 2015, what was your absolute favorite?
They each…
Every Nerd’s Battle: The Waiting Cycle
Nerds are always waiting for and anticipating something. Here are the Three Stages of Waiting along with each stage's pros and cons.
What’s the Big Deal With Cannibalism in Popular Culture?
Given the cancellation of Hannibal, America's beloved cannibal, a few year back, it begs the question: Why has everyone cancelled cannibals? And where does cannibalism in popular culture differ from cannibalism throughout history?
How to Heckle Your Gaming Group
Is your D&D or Pathfinder gaming group a little lackluster right now? Well, a good ‘ole fashioned heckle may be the best way at motivating players at your gaming group.
Go ahead, work around the table and mock fellow players one by…