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How Dragon*Con Is For You (And You Don’t Even Know It)
Maybe you've heard of Dragon*Con but wondered if the convention is for you. Here are 7 things about Dragon*Con you may not have expected.
A list of Twitter Nerds: Who to Follow to Get Your Twitter Nerd Fix
Twitter is nerd approved. No matter your interest or sub-culture, there will be a laundry list of people to follow.
Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day are nerd royalty and they are must follows. Same with Chris Hardwick and Nathan Fillian. But…
Xbox Live: Is Your Best Friend Online?
I remember when video gaming on consoles was all about me and present company.
It started with me and my friends passing a single controller back and forth turn-based style a la Duck Hunt (Yes, I joined the world post-Atari and I know…
Analysis Paralysis: A Common Nerd Disease
Even though we readily admitted that Nerds on Earth would drop with a soft launch and would only slowly build over time, there has still been a noticeable lack of content.
One would think it would be easy to write for NoE. All you have…