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Nerd Obsession: Knowing G.I. JOE is Half the Battle
GI Joe is a huge part of nerd culture, so we take you through the history, the GI Joe cartoon, and of course the comic book.
2018 Nerdie Award for Most Excellent Movie
Nerds on Earth presents the Nerdie Award for Most Excellent Movie of 2018.
Nerd Chat: What in the world will happen in Avengers 4?
Nerds on Earth wonders what in the world will be the followup for Avengers: Infinity War in this week's Slack Chat!
7 Nerdy Things You Need In Your Life: Kerry’s Shelfie
A look at the nerdy bookshelf of a Nerds on Earth writer. Odds are you'll find a recommendation that is right for you, whether it be board games, RPGS, or what have you.