Nerds everywhere were squealing with glee as they awaited Disney’s D23 conference announcements regarding their upcoming Disney+ streaming service. Well, Disney put on a show.
If you have somehow been unaware, Disney is the parent company and owner of several things that us nerds love deeply, namely Star Wars and all things Marvel. And the D23 conference is their now annual event where they come together and give announcements about all of their properties.
Here are some of the amazing things that they recently announced!
Coming Soon on Disney+
The Mandalorian

So, this isn’t a new piece of information but we are finally getting more details about this Star Wars based series before its November 12 premiere. Set on the further outer edge of the galaxy, The Mandalorian feels like a space western and with the numerous incredible creators involved, be it actors or directors, this show is going to be a must watch and likely going to drive viewership to their channel.
Here’s more: we dissect the official trailer, highlighting all the goodness.
Ms. Marvel
Finally, we get the notion that Marvel’s most popular new character is going to be coming to the streaming network. Kamala Khan has long been a piece that nerds have been clamoring for to make her MCU debut and it appears that is likely going to be happening on the new Disney+ channel.
Ms. Marvel is not part of the first wave of Disney+ Marvel shows that were announced at Comic Con, but it’s certainly news that has nerds excited.
Moon Knight

Moon Knight is that character that can never seem to create a long term run in the comics but that every creator has a pitch for. Mark Spectre is a strange Egyptian mythology powered character who is essentially is Batman, if we were honest about some of Batman’s mental health issues.
This means that Moon Knight could be absolute genre bending and challenging. In the same way that Legion on FX was superhero but not, Moon Knight could be as well.
You know what people love? Lawyers and courtroom shows. About 1 out of every 4 shows of scripted television are tied to judicial proceedings and that is AFTER you take out all the Law and Order shows.
A comedic look at She-Hulk, Bruce Banner’s lawyer cousin is dying to be made, especially if you look at the fourth wall breaking potential that we saw in John Byrne’s epic run in the 80s and 90s.

WandaVision is an unexpected turn. The preview images they used from existing MCU films were cut together with vintage looking Dick Van Dyke Show images and it just proves that Marvel is going to take some risks on this one.
It is hard not to assume that Tom King’s Vision book is going to be a large part of some of the inspiration but you never know. I do think it is awesome that we will see some old Marvel faces return, namely Kat Dennings in her Darcy Lewis role from Thor and Thor 2 and Randall Park revisiting his FBI agent/youth pastor role as Jimmy Woo.
The hype on this animated show is real and I still think the mainstream press doesn’t quite understand what is going on. It will be an animated series of one shots, like the series has been.
For instance, based on art, it appears one of the episodes is going to be “What if Peggy Carter became Captain Britain?” Where the press seems to be missing it is in that they don’t understand that these are one shots, not world building. I do like that they said we will see the Watcher as a host for this show!
Finally, Marvel is getting a huge presence at the Disney parks. In a “Well, duh” move, Disney recognizes the power of The Avengers and the rest of the Marvel worlds and is going to be bringing that to their parks as contracts with the characters run out at other parks.
I am sure that details will change over time but between this and the Star Wars themed Galaxy Edge pieces that opened this year in Disney parks, Disney is making itself the premier nerd vacation spot.
Aaaaand all of this is BEFORE Kevin Fiege, leader of the Marvel Cinematic Universe does his panel on Saturday, August 24th. It’s a good time to be a nerd.