Welcome back Commanders! Every week we talk about something related to Marvel Strike Force to make sure you’re kept in the loop and in the know.
This week, we’re deviating a bit from the norm to put out a recruitment post for our Marvel Strike Force Alliance: Nerds on the Patio! A bunch of us here at Nerds on Earth banded together to form an Alliance. Over time, the other non-NoE members lost interest in the game and fell off, so we merged with another Alliance: Fans of the Back Patio!
And now, like many other Alliances, we are looking to fill out the spots on our roster. Over the past few months, many players have left the game due to the power-creep that defines the new meta with every character release. However, we’re still having fun and enjoying Marvel Strike Force, and we’d like you to join us!

Right now, these are the activities that we’re firing off each day:
- Ultimus Raids: 7.2 at 60%
- Greek Raids: 4.1 at 60%
- Gold IV Alliance
- Level 63 Alliance for Stark Tech upgrades
As the image states, we are a competitive alliance, but we’re also fairly relaxed. All we ask of members is to be active and participate in Raids and Wars. We are respectful of each other and know that real life comes first, the game comes second.
And, obviously, you found us at Nerds on Earth where you can find all sorts of Marvel Strike Force articles. Usually these are posting weekly on Mondays. Find that list of Marvel Strike Force articles here.
If that sounds like something you’re interested in, search for Nerds on the Patio in Marvel Strike Force to find us! We also have our Nerds on Earth Discord server, with a dedicated Marvel Strike Force server to keep us all coordinated. You can find the link to that here: Nerds on Earth Discord server.
We hope you’ll come join us with our favorite Marvel heroes taking down the forces of evil!