Slack Chat: Best Video Games of 2018
Us nerds like nothing more than to banter around nerdy topics in Slack. Here is one of those chats, very lightly edited for clarity.
Slack Chat: Best Video Games of 2018
Adkins (Co-founder of Nerds on Earth and Achievement Hound) …
The Fortunes Untold Podcast: Episode 13
Welcome to Fortunes Untold, the weekly podcast that plays through independent roleplaying games, a few sessions at a time.
2018 Nerdie Award for Best Genre Television Series
Nerds on Earth presents the Nerdie Award for Best Genre Television Series of 2018.
A Quick Look at Pioneer Days, a Board Game from Tasty Minstrel Games
Pioneer Days is a board game that will remind you of Oregon Trail. But is it better than dying of dysentery?