Wizards of the Coast Announces TWO NEW Settings for Dungeons and Dragons
Wizards of the Coast announces two new settings for D&D: Eberron and Ravnica from Magic: The Gathering.
Doctor Who Roleplaying Game Sourcebooks to Spice Up Time & Space
The most recent Doctor Who roleplaying game has released several nice sourcebooks. We summarize each one.
Take a Ride on the Wayfarer: A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
A few years ago, I started the 100 Page Method to focus my reading habits. I give a book I’m interested in a hundred pages to hook me or lose me—if I’m invested at the hundred-page mark, I finish the book; if I’m not feeling it, I move on.…
My 7 Most Anticipated GenCon 2018 Board Game Releases
There are hundreds of new board games with a GenCon 2018 release date. Nerds on Earth our 7 most anticipated GenCon 2018 board game releases.