Up: The Reckoning (Or How a Beloved Pixar Film Almost Tore Apart Nerds On Earth)
Is the villain of Up only thing more unbelievable than balloons lifting a house?
Zed-Words: A D&D 5e Encounter Idea to Spice Up Your Game
Zed-Words is zombie-themed D&D 5e encounter idea to spice up your game. Nerds on Earth has a whole series of encounter ideas called "Fantastic Fights."
The Disappearing Town: A D&D 5e Encounter Idea to Spice Up Your Game
The Disappearing Town is an Aboleth-themed D&D 5e encounter idea to spice up your game. Nerds on Earth has a whole series of encounter ideas called "Fantastic Fights."
The Secret to a Starfinder Vesk Mystic? Eat a Bowl of Oatmeal.
Nerds on Earth examines the Starfidner Vesk Mystic race and class combination.