Review of War for the Planet of the Apes: Apes Strong. Together.
Nerds on Earth reviews War for the Planet of the Apes.
This board game review is on a Deadline!
Nerds on Earth reviews Deadline, the new board game from Wizkids that makes you the detective.
Rise of the Dungeon Master: The Graphic Novel Biography of Gary Gygax
You may have noticed here at Nerds on Earth that we are into many nerdy things but two probably stand out: comic books and roleplaying games. When I heard there was a product that combined those two things well, it was assumed that we would…
Glass Cannon Podcast: Episode 111 – Buggane Out
As it turns out, these caves have more than one occupant...and at least one of them is heading right for the party! Still stinging a bit from the combat in Episode 109, how will our adventurers handle even more foes? Find out in Episode…