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Nerd Showdown: Buffy the Vampire Slayer versus Bella from Twilight
It’s a dark night. There isn’t a moon. You are a young woman, still in high school and walking home from your friend’s house. You don’t think anything of it because really, what could happen in your small town?
You hear something behind…
The Walking Dead Theme Park: Zombie Fun from Dusk ’til Dawn
So it seems like part of the new formula of successful franchises is that once you get several movies going, the logical next step is a theme park! Obviously, the most successful recent endeavor has been Harry Potter World as a part of…
Nerdy New Year Resolutions of 2016
Normally, resolutions are those promises to yourself for the new year that you rarely keep. When you add the pressure of something so absolute like, I HAVE to lose this much weight, and cook this many meals, and read this many books in x…
The Best Posts on Nerds on Earth: Nash’s 2015 Picks
As I looked back on this past year of writing for Nerds on Earth I took some time to track down my favorite posts for 2015. Not of mine, but of the other writer's posts.
A few things struck me:
I am not in the same Nerd League as…