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Video Games
Follow Me! A Review of Oddworld: New ‘N’ Tasty
A review of Oddworld: New 'N' Tasty - a remake of a two decades old quirky platformer.
Shadows of the Empire: The Star Wars Movie That Wasn’t
In the 90s there was an attempt to revitalize the Star Wars franchise through Shadows of the Empire. Nerds on Earth takes a look.
Have apocalyptic video games lost their religion?
Games like Mass Effect, Borderlands, and Fallout have religious themes present, but not like you'd expect. What might be going on?
Friday 5: Nerd Culture Highlights of the Week
Friday 5 collects bits of news, fun, and updates on the week’s best nerdy things. Five quick links and your mana pool is replenished for the week. You’re welcome. Now, to the links!
Nerd Culture Highlights for the Week of January 22, 2017…