Nerds on Earth
The best place on Earth for nerds.

Imponderables! Nerds on Earth Frequently Asked Questions

Is Nerds on Earth for all nerds?

Yes! All are welcome here. We certainly hope that one of your hobbies or interests is represented, whether it be comics, zombies, science fiction, or gaming. We are thankful you read our site. Truly.

But one might argue, “are jack-booted trolls welcome as well?” Yes, but on the condition that they kindly knock it off. We want Nerds on Earth to be a fair and safe place, one where folks are given the benefit of the doubt and feel free to geek out over the things they love.

What if I don’t hail from earth?

Greetings! Thanks for visiting Nerds on Earth, stranger from galaxies unknown. We welcome the outcast, the immigrant, the alien, and the misunderstood.

Since you are visiting our Solar System, would you mind dropping us a line to tell us exactly how you found us? We don’t have a budget for inter-planetary advertising, so we genuinely want to thank whoever gave us the signal boost.

You might also want to check out our mini-sites on the right sidebar of the homepage. We have:

  • Nerds on Tattooine, which collects all our Star Wars coverage.
  • Nerds on 616, which covers anything related to the Marvel Universe.
  • Nerds on the Realms, which collects our Dungeons and Dragons coverage.

We hope to flesh out these mini-sties eventually, and add new ones as well (like Nerds on the Serenity, for example, which could collect Firefly coverage, or Nerds of the Apocalypse, which could ultimately host our Walking Dead articles). Alas, we are just a small collection of earth-bound nerds, limited by the rudimentary technology of our home world.

When will a paper edition of Nerds on Earth be available?

I’ve explained this to you, Grandma! For the last time, that is something we simply cannot do. But I promise that next time we visit, I will tell you all about what we are up to. Meanwhile, tweet at me!

How can I submit a query for an article on Nerds on Earth?

Email us, Tweet at us, or send us a Facebook message. If you think you have an idea for interesting content, let us know, as we are willing to discuss Guest Posts. Just keep in mind that we have limited editorial bandwidth, so if we need to politely decline, please now that’s it’s us, not you.

If you do submit an article, submit something that you, as a nerd, would want to read. I’m not trying to be glib; the best articles are ones that authors actually care about it.

How do I submit products or books for review?

See above. We like receiving ARCs and board or roleplaying games for review, but please keep in mind that it takes a lot of our time, so we can’t say ‘yes’ to everything. It takes time to read all those books and play all those games, and we want to be honest and fair in everything we review. (Read this if you’d like more information on why we trend toward positive reviews, if possible.)

That said, bring on the ARCs! Here are some samples of our latest review work: D&D Out of the Abyss, Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn, and Asymptote’s Tail.

Why do all your lists have 7 items?

Good question. Short answer: they just do.

Long answer: We started out by making a list of the 7 Best X-Men, so 7 felt like a pretty good team size, allowing enough members to make things fun, but limited against a limitless roster. Besides, we want to force tough decisions, such as who that 8th X-Man is that has to get cut.

Now we’ve kinda just stuck with it and it’s kinda become a thing. Readers will sometimes suggest lists of 7, so please know that we welcome that.

Can we submit poetry?

There has been talk about appointing an Earth Nerd Poet Laureate, but those discussions have stalled unfortunately. I’m too engineering minded, so I wouldn’t know where to begin to approach poetry from an editorial standpoint.

Are you really asked frequently about poetry?

No. Honestly, I have no reason why I added the above question. I was just free-flowing at the keyboard and it just came out.

Would you ever publish adventures?

Actually, this is something we’re thinking about. D&D coverage is very well received by readers, and they are often asking us for more.

I tinker around with creating village and tiny dungeon maps, so I’ve thought about polishing up a couple to put on the site as a free downloads, simply to see how they are received.

Likewise, I’ll often write little 1-2 hour adventures designed for low-level characters, so I might share a couple of those in the future, available as a free download. We’ll see.

I love or hate Nerds on Earth. Where do I write to praise your genius or complain about your inscrutable failings?

All words of praise can be sent to Clave Jones. Complaints, criticisms, or concerns can be sent to Wil Wheaton, c/o Geek and Sundry. (I kid. I kid.)

Thanks always for reading Nerds on Earth. Should you ever care to give us a signal boost, you can use the social media buttons located literally everywhere on the site.

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