Nerds on Earth
The best place on Earth for nerds.

Friday 5: Nerd Culture Highlights of the Week

Friday 5 collects bits of news, fun, and updates on the week’s best nerdy things. Five quick links and your mana pool is replenished for the week. You’re welcome. Now, to the links!

Nerd Culture Highlights for the Week of October 2, 2016

1. Logan.

Old Man LoganThis week we learned that the title of Hugh Jackman‘s last Wolverine movie would be Logan. The news was shared alongside a movie poster featuring a child (whose fingers appear to be slightly too long) holding Wolverine’s clawed hand. Hmmm.

Click the headline above for the press release, but we have some background material for you if you want to familiarize yourself with the Old Man Logan story or the main villain, Mister Sinister.

via SlashFilm


2.  Spider-Man strikes a pose

figure-complex-revoltech-spider-man-008Artists have always rendered Spider-Man in gloriously contorted poses. Action figures haven’t been able to strike those same poses…until now.

Click through to see for yourself!

via GeekTyrant


3.  Agents of SHIELD comes clean.

patriotbarThe comic book identity of Agent of SHIELD’s new director has been confirmed. Click through for the deets. (Does anyone use that word anymore? Eh, I don’t care, I’m leaving it.)

This is also a good time to plug that we recap and review Agents of SHIELD every week, and have been doing so for several season now. Here’s all our Agents of SHIELD coverage. Please consider it, and please consider telling a friend about it.

via Comic Alliance


4. Scoop! Nerds love Firefly!


firefly-serenity-crewIt’s not exactly real science or anything (it’s aggregating data from IMDB or something), but us nerds now have definitive evidence that Browncoats aren’t crazy for not letting it go.

Click through to find out what other short-lived shows are most beloved by fans.

via io9


5.  Luke Cage.

luke cage netflixThe water cooler talk in nerd culture this week has undoubtedly been Luke Cage. But watch than listen to me blather on about it (our coverage of Luke Cage is next week!), I’m simply going to leave the link here and invite you to watch it.

via Netflix.


And we’re out of here for the week! There are Friday’s 5 quick links for you. Hopefully they get you caught up on the big stories from nerd culture that you may have missed this week.

New York Comic Con begins today, so we’ll no doubt have lots to talk about next Friday. See you then.

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