The Do-Rag is Back in Gears of War 4
Heaton gives Gears of War 4 a quick once-over. Is the franchise alive and well?
A review of Luke Cage, Marvel’s latest street-level show on Netflix
Nerds on Earth reviews Luke Cage, Marvel's latest street-level show on Netflix.
Using Player Aids for Roleplaying Games Like Pathfinder
Roleplaying games like Pathfinder can be complicated with the all the fiddly pluses and minuses. But Pathfinder player aids can help. We look at cards.
A Brief History of the Question, Part I
“Hey, who’s the guy without a face?
That’s easy—it’s the Question, a two-fisted investigative journalist created by Steve Ditko in 1967.
No, wait, sorry, that’s not it—it’s the Question, Dennis O’Neil’s Zen warrior from 1987.…