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A Review of The Force Awakens
In case you missed the onslaught of merchandising that started back in January, or the trailers, or the full blown hype machine of the past few weeks, a little film called Star Wars: The Force Awakens set box office records over the…
Every Nerd’s Battle: The Waiting Cycle
Nerds are always waiting for and anticipating something. Here are the Three Stages of Waiting along with each stage's pros and cons.
Weekly Nerd Chat: What are the Best Nerdy Holiday Movie Releases of All Time?
Us nerds like nothing more than to banter back and forth on nerdy topics in Slack. Here is one of those chats, very lightly edited.
What are the Best Nerdy Holiday Movie Releases of All Time?
Adkins (Co-founder of Nerds on Earth and…
How the Star Wars Prequels Change the Story’s Hero
In preparation for the Force Awakens coming out, I have been revisiting the prequels (while also avoiding any and every spoiler possible.)
Here is my greatest realization: the prequels change the hero who is the focus.
How the Star Wars…