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Video Games
It’s Definitely Been a Year: Top 10 Video Games of 2016
Whiile 2016 has been a real downer in many ways, the more I think about it, it's been an exceptional year in the realm of video games. As I put together the list of games I played this year, I had a hard time deciding which ones were truly…
Friday 5: Nerd Culture Highlights of the Week
Nerds on Earth shares 5 quick links to catch up up on this week's nerdy news.
Weekly Nerd Chat: Highly Anticipated 2017 Video Games
Adkins, Jason, and Andrew name drop their most anticipated 2017 video games.
Shooter Shootout: Which Is The Best FPS of 2016?
Which is the best FPS of 2016? Nerds on Earth compares Battlefield, Titanfall, and Call of Duty.