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Catching Up on the Story from Agents of SHIELD

Far too many people gave up early on Agents of SHIELD, many jumping ship halfway through season 1. But since the quality of the show only got better and better until the halfway point of season 2, we wanted to maybe get you up-to-speed on what you missed, then invite you back on to the SHIELD Quinjet.

First, we tried to get you up-to-speed on the characters. Read that 1st. The focus of this post is to get you up-to-speed on the major plot points.


[divider]Catching Up on the Story from Agents of SHIELD[/divider]

Daniel Whitehall is a Nazi, who looks young because he butchered Skye’s Inhuman mom and kept her rejuvenative powers. This has set Skye’s dad off, who has been working to kill Whitehall and extract his revenge, unbeknownst to Whitehall.

Skye_pistolSkye meets her dad, who is crazy and violent and is discovered to be Dr. Hyde from the comics. Skye wants nothing to do with him but Ward, who has escaped, manages to get them together. At a pivotal moment, Skye chooses Coulson over her dad.

Raina is a lady who has been a “will she or won’t she” kind of ally. At the end of the episode, it turns out that she too is Inhuman in some way, though we aren’t sure of her full power set yet.

The big things that we are looking towards in the back half of season two:

  • How is Skye/Daisy going to deal with her powers?  What impact will this have on the team?  And with a full blown Inhumans movie due out from Marvel eventually, how much world building are they going to do in the show starting now?
  • Ward ran off at the end with Agent 33 after Skye shot him. (Agent 33 is a former SHIELD agent brainwashed by Whitehall and eventually given Agent May’s appearance through technology.)  What is going to happen with them?
  • Is Trip really dead? I hope not.
  • There have been hints that Mac and Morse are in on some kind of plan and conspiracy.  And while it seems ominous, I am hoping it will be for the good!
  • The mid-season finale for season 2 ended with a man with no eyes who “sees” things. I suspect that we will see him again.

agents-of-shield-mockingbirdSo, if you bailed out during season one, or never started it, now is a great time to jump in. (And if you want more in-depth, you can check out the recaps here at Nerds on Earth, or go deeper still and look at which comics are influencing the show.)

Agents of SHIELD found its way and is telling some compelling, great television, centered in the Marvel Universe but not so superhero(y) that it misses the point.

SHIELD has been about ordinary people doing extraordinary things to save the world.  Skye’s new found powers may change that but it is going to be an interesting second half of season two!

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