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A Kid Shares Her Thoughts on DiceBot MegaFun

Not sure about the DiceBot MegaFun board game? Here’s our pitch: 8-year-olds love it.

My daughter, playing an RPG with her dad.

Specifically, the 8-year-old in question is my daughter, Campbell, lover of Wonder Woman, friend of pug dogs, and player of games. Speaking of games, we recently played DiceBot MegaFun from Wizkids Games and Campbell wrote a review of it.

I don’t want to her to be a simple consumer of media, I want her to be a creator as well. So that means I encourage her to put her thoughts in writing as often as possible, taking care not to drive her so hard that it doesn’t feel fun anymore. The vast Nerds on Earth empire is hers one day, if she keeps this up.

Besides, board gaming is a great family activity. They can teach spatial skills, decision making, how to win and lose graciously, and even a bit of cooperation. When we are playing a game as a family, we have three things we look for:

  1. It sets up fast.
  2. It plays fast.
  3. And it’s fun to play.

A Kid Shares Her Thoughts on DiceBot MegaFun

Campbell's review of DiceBot MegaFun.
Campbell’s review of DiceBot MegaFun. Click to embiggen.

According to Campbell, Dicebot MegaFun meets those criteria! In her own words: “The first time I played DiceBot MegaFun I played it with my mom and dad. My mom thought it was fun and different each time because of rolling the dice, and so did my dad. I, Campbell Jones, recommend DiceBot MegaFun!

She recalled the rules pretty darned well (see the image), which is remarkable because we liberally house rule in games, all to maximize the fun and entertainment. For example, the official rules say that winning one round nets you 1 victory point, but I like to be loose with arithmetic. So we get 1 MILLION points for winning a round.

We also have a house rule that if you don’t make the weapon sound when you attack another robot, you have to smell your own stinky socks. My kids love my uzi sound, as it’s a automatic robot killa.

Overall, she represented the game well. But to provide a little more clarity, you can think about it as occurring in a couple distinct phases:

  1. Your robot powers up. This is done by chucking dice into a shared pool in the middle, from which everyone then scrambles to grab the specific ones they need. This has a nice it of energy to it, created from the controlled competitive chaos.
  2. Your robots blast the other robots. This is turn based and not deeply strategic. But it provides another jolt of fun and, coupled together, the two rounds allows this very light game to robot punch over its weight.

Sure, the spelling in her review could use some work, but she’s just 8, so just let’s pump the brakes a little bit and not be so judgey. Not every kid is destined for Scripps and spelling Covfefe in front of an audience, after all. Besides, she wrote this via flashlight right before bed. Maybe she doesn’t have darkvision. IDK.

The game says age 14+, but that’s nonsense as one 8-year-old can attest. Younger players will enjoy this game, and it’s honestly themed best for them anyway.

There is a wide variety to the weapon cards, which creates and opportunity to try to out guess your opponent. And the quality of the cards and components is excellent, something we’ve come to expect from Wizkids.

DiceBot MegaFun set up quick, it plays fast, and it’s fun to play, as noted by Campbell. The game is scheduled for release any time now (June 2017), so grab a copy if you are looking to sock some robots.

[Disclosure: Widkids provided Campbell with a copy of DiceBot MegaFun for review.]

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