Welcome to the 4th installment of Marvel Strike Force (MSF) Mondays. Previous tips:
Each week we break down one more aspect of the hottest mobile game, Marvel Strike Force! This week I want to tackle Farming as well as dive into one of the more debated topics surrounding the game, Seed Theory.
Let’s jump into seed theory first, as it sets the stage for how I farm. This is a theory that was coined by Remanx and you can watch his entire video here:
Marvel Strike Force: What is seed theory?
In short, the premise behind seed theory is that there is an algorithm behind the RNG (random number generator) that you can in some ways manipulate. The idea behind this manipulation is that Foxnet/Scoply rewards you for “spending” indicators such as spending cores, and opening a lot of orbs at once.
For most people, this might feel like a wild goose chase, but RNG is based off of gambling algorithms used in slot machines and other casino games. So, let’s all pause and realize that some people have to win at some point to keep them chasing. And in my experience, this is worth pursuing.
I have broken down my approach into 3 easy steps:
Saving orbs
While the temptation is to open orbs as fast as you get them, hoarding orbs can help you find the right indicators that the RNG is on your side. Basic orbs are especially good to horde to find your indicators because Basic orbs yield very minimal rewards, so it should not hurt you to hold onto those.
When opening orbs the different colors once opened tell you the rarity of your drop rate. Green is for the common drop rate, while gold is rare drop rate. With basic orbs if you are just getting green after green, walk away from opening and try again later. If you get a purple open, then you are starting to gain RNG favor and you should switch to what you want to score most.

Prioritize what you need/want
Remanx primarily utilizes seed theory to maximize red stars, and if you are late game, that’s usually all you really have left to score. As a beginning player trying to move to mid game, you will need all sorts of things. Most often, gold is a huge bottle neck, and thus, I do not hoard gold orbs as I usually need them.
Now, if I have 10+ basic orbs then I will open some of those until I get more rare drops and then open my gold orb. Perhaps, you just want to unlock characters because you are building wide, well then you might leverage your RNG drop rates for premium, milestone, and mega orbs because those can get you much needed rare character shards.
Just be intentional with how you strategize your orb openings!
Apply to Farming
The term ‘farming’ in this game is not unlike farming in real life: You need to show up each day to accomplish tasks with your future growth in mind. We, of course, always want to be growing our toons, and some are easier to farm than others.
What makes a character easily farmable is their availability. So if a character has shards available in a campaign node or in a store, you should be able to easily grow them over time. Some characters can only be found in premium, milestone, or mega orbs so while you can “farm” them, it will take a long time and/or a lot of RNG luck.
When I am farming in campaign nodes, I start with necessary and cheapest first. You need to attempt 3 hero and 3 villain nodes each day to collect your daily rewards. Once you 3 star a node, you can auto win it to collect your rewards for the win and your daily objective. So start with both of these first, and move to the other campaigns for the more premium character shards offered.
As a beginning player you might only have these two campaigns open, and even so, you want to start with your cheaper energy cost toons first, so that you can stretch your energy if possible.
I like to set the goal of 2 shards a day per character I am farming. If you go in and just burn all 5 attempts you have you might get really favorable drops and get 10 shard of that specific character, but you also might get zero. I have found you most often average 2, so why spend 60 energy to get 2 Punisher shards, when I could have gotten 2 shards with 24 energy and I can move on to the next toon?
I also find that the drop rate of shards when I switch is MUCH higher. We can call it luck, but when it happens consistently, it feels much more like a pattern. So as I go in to my daily, if I get a quick drop in my heroes campaign, I switch right away to the characters I am chasing before going back.
Again, I am content with 2 a day, until it gets closer to whatever event I am leveling up characters for, then I go more aggressively after the ones I need. It worked great for unlocking Star-Lord, but I got a late jump on Shocker (he is in a much higher campaign node than guardians characters, so I might miss on Invisible Woman.
However, based upon the upcoming schedule (see below), you should already be shifting your focus to Nick Fury, and farming Kree minions! Well, I hope this helps you take your Squad from a D+ to a B- Commander
- Black Bolt: April 27th, August 17th, December 7th (Requires Asgardians 5-star)
- Shuri: May 11th, August 31st (Requires Spider-verse 5-star)
- Ebony Maw: May 25th, September 14th (Requires Inhumans 5-star with Black Bolt)
- Phoenix: June 8th, September 28th (Requires Mystic Villain Controller 6-star)
- Star-Lord: June 22nd, October 12th (Requires Guardians or Ravagers 5-star)
- Invisible Woman: July 6th, October 26th (Requires Sinister Six 5-star)
- Nick Fury: July 20th, November 9th (Requires Kree Minions 5-star)
- Magneto: August 3rd, November 23rd (Requires X-Men and/or Brotherhood 5-star)
Game Radar
Be ready for what is coming down the pipe!
Blitzes: Monday blitz is for Ronan shards. (Note: Ronan cannot be used to unlock Fury.) Thursday blitz is for the Minister of Science, Graviton!
Events: The Invisible woman event starts tonight! Along with an double campaign energy event followed by a double gold campaign event!
Legendary: Nick Fury is the next Legendary character you should be preparing for. He requires 5-star Kree Minions – you cannot use Ronan, Minn-erva, Captain Marvel, or Korath