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Resurrection F: A Must-Watch for Dragon Ball Z Fans
Buckle your seats belts, because I'm about to spend around a thousand words gushing about the newest Dragon Ball Z movie - Resurrection F. And there WILL BE SPOILERS, so if you haven't seen it stop reading right now because south of that…
7 Top Moments from Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon fights evil by moonlight and finds love by daylight. She’s young, beautiful, and a superhero in every sense of the word. And since I have watched every episode of every season of the original series, I wanted to tell you guys my…
Dragon Ball Dokkan Battle: Review and Tips
I was perusing the DBZ subreddit last week and saw several posts about a mobile game called Dokkan Battle. As an avid Dragon Ball fan, I immediately flipped over to my app store and downloaded the free (WOOT!) game and gave it a spin.…
The Literary Beauty of Death Note
As I've stated previously: Anime has never really been my strong suit or passion, but when it is good, it is undeniably good. The best animes out there are a captivating combination of an intriguing concept executed by lovable characters in…