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When is it time to kill a movie franchise already?!
Nerds everywhere were hit with news like a sniper shot from Chewbacca’s bowcaster: the next Star Wars movie in the new trilogy has been delayed 6 months, from the early summer in 2017 until the December movie season in the same year.
Weekly Nerd Chat: What Movies Are You Looking Forward to in 2016?
Us nerds like nothing more than to banter back and forth on nerdy topics in Slack. Here is one of those chats, very lightly edited.
What movies are you looking forward to in 2016?
Jason (Co-founder of Nerds on Earth and owner of an…
Why Captain America: Civil War Needs to Be a Small Story to Make Us Care
I'm looking forward to Captain America: Civil War more than any movie in a decade, The Force Awakens being the exception to that statement. But in order to tell you why I'm so eager for Captain America, I need to take you on a long detour…
Weekly Nerd Chat: Strong Female Characters in Pop Culture
Nerds on Earth talks about strong female characters in pop culture.