Nerds on Earth
The best place on Earth for nerds.
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Tips to Conquer Cosplay Anxiety

Cosplaying can look like hardcore dress up. Well...because that's exactly what it is. Beyond the look of dressing up, many cosplayers invest so much time, money, blood, sweat, and tears into making some of or all of their cosplays. A…

Dragon Age at Dragon con

I've gone to Dragon con for a few years now and I have dressed up each year. But it wasn't until this year that one of my cosplays really had people stopping me left and right. (Not to brag but a few friends and I were featured in a cover…

People Watching at Dragon*Con

Another Labor Day weekend gone, another Dragon*Con in the books.  This year I felt a little underwhelmed by most of the panels I sat in on (due in part to easily addressed logistical issues that I'm emailing *Con staff about later today),…

How to Make a Wizard Staff

Prop making is probably one the most time consuming, but rewarding processes that go into a cosplay. Prop making in my opinion can also be one of the most challenging when you do not already have artistic and/or technological skills. But…

7 Reasons Why You Should Cosplay

As a little girl I had a dresser filled with only costumes because I loved dressing up so much. As a young woman I have half a closet filled with my costumes, as some things never change. I always hear that cosplaying is the most nerdy…
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