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Glass Cannon Podcast: Episode 67 – The Wedding Slashers 2: Married to the Sob

Last time on GCP, the battle with Grenseldek commenced and Troy cut the fight short with one heck of a cliffhanger!

Grenseldek reared back to power attack Gelabrous, rolled a natty 20, confirmed it, drew a slashing crit card that granted double damage (which is really triple damage since she’s using a hand axe), and Troy closes the podcast saying, “I have never rolled…damage this high.”

He wrote the damage down on an index card, and the big reveal is how Episode 67 – The Wedding Slashers 2: Married to the Sob – kicks off!

Troy reveals the results on the index card as the battle with Grenseldek reaches its thrilling conclusion!

Click here to listen. Or better yet, click here to find them in iTunes to subscribe.  Like what you’re hearing?  Give the fellas a little love and drop a rating/review in iTunes for ’em!

Don’t forget to drop in on their Tumblr page as well, where you can find all sorts of goodies like fan art, depictions of the both named and unnamed enemies and NPC, character sheets, and even “We Are Stupid” posts in which the guys fess up to getting the rules wrong occasionally – and who doesn’t?!

New episodes of the Glass Cannon Podcast are released every Tuesday (that’s today!). And it’s not too late to jump in from the beginning:

Glass Cannon Podcast Episode 1Introducing Thomas Exposition is here.

There is even some new content released on Thursdays – Cannon Fodder – that provides a little behind-the-scenes coverage and will help you get to know Pathfinder a little better, and perhaps entice you to begin a campaign of your own.

What is the Glass Cannon Podcast? Well, in the spirit of old school Dungeons and Dragons, a collection of five super-nerds (Joe O’Brien, Grant Berger, Matthew Capodicasa, Skid Maher, and Dungeonmaster Troy Lavallee) emerge blinking from their parents’ basements to engage in an Actual Play campaign of Paizo’s epic new Pathfinder adventure path, Giantslayer!

Foes will be vanquished, beers will be dranken, and characters will almost certainly f*c&ing die.

The Glass Cannon guys are playing Pathfinder, a fantastic roleplaying game that began as an offshootgrenseldek pathfinder
of the 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons. You can learn more about Pathfinder here or get your own copy of the 1st book of the Giantslayer adventure and start a Pathfinder campaign of your own!

Finally, if you want to know how the Glass Cannon guys got together, check out their origin story.

Head over to Facebook and tell the Glass Cannon guys how much you are enjoying the adventure. You can find them here.

Happy listening!

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