Nerds on Earth
The best place on Earth for nerds.

Reviewing Lego Set 76021 Milano Rescue

With 4 days until my birthday I received an early present: the Guardians of the Galaxy Milano Rescue mission Lego set!  I was as excited as an 11-year-old.  Or, well, as excited as a 32-year-old who collects Legos, as is the case here.…

The 7 Best Co-Op Tabletop Games

We live in a competitive culture. Last week I was mocking my buddy because he hit a jump shot over a junior higher. "OOOOO. You totally just schooled that 12-year-old! Nice work, Lebron! " Last year I was playing Say Anything (a…

10 Thoughts on Ant-Man

The latest Marvel movie has just finished its first weekend in theaters, winning the box office this weekend with a reported $58 million dollars. After having seen it on opening night, I have 10 thoughts on the movie. Warning: Spoilers.…

Memories of My First Comic Shop

In the summer of 1988, a fresh graduate of middle school, my family picked up and moved a couple hundred miles from the Atlanta area to Augusta, Georgia. My dad had recently finished college, had a great new job and it was time for us to go…

7 High-Tech Marvel Characters

In thinking about the Marvel Universe a common misconception is that it solely belongs to those with super powers.  While the bulk of the main characters you will meet are super-powered, sometimes it's just good 'ole technology. Here is a…
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