Nerds on Earth
The best place on Earth for nerds.
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Marvel Comics: What is the Serpent Society?

The Serpent Society is one of the best-organized, most successful coalitions of superhuman criminals in operation today. If Comcast customer support could have operated with half the efficiency of the Serpent Society, then I wouldn't have…

Memories of My First Comic Shop

In the summer of 1988, a fresh graduate of middle school, my family picked up and moved a couple hundred miles from the Atlanta area to Augusta, Georgia. My dad had recently finished college, had a great new job and it was time for us to go…

7 Technology Based Marvel Characters

One of the great things about comics books the allowance it creates for impressively wild and fantastical displays of future technology. And comic book technology isn't just little doohickey gadgets with the beeping and the blooping and…

Hidden Gems in Comics: Invisible Republic

All Image Comics publishes are #1 issues. I asked Robert Kirkland a question on his AMA and the next day there was a Speedy Courier at my door with a contract for me to write my own Image Comics #1 issue. That's how many #1 issues are…
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