Nerds on Earth
The best place on Earth for nerds.
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Weekly Nerd Chat

Slack Chat: Best Video Games of 2018

Us nerds like nothing more than to banter around nerdy topics in Slack. Here is one of those chats, very lightly edited for clarity. Slack Chat: Best Video Games of 2018 Adkins (Co-founder of Nerds on Earth and Achievement Hound) …

Slack Chat: Best Nerdy Movies of 2018

Us nerds like nothing more than to banter around nerdy topics in Slack. Here is one of those chats, very lightly edited for clarity. Slack Chat: Best Nerdy Movies of 2018 Adkins (Co-Founder of Nerds on Earth and Wakandan wannabe) …

Slack Chat: The Best Uncanny X-Men Teams

The influence that 80s-era Uncanny X-Men had on the comic industry can't be overstated. Yet in the past decade the title has been relaunched three times and there hasn't even been an Uncanny X-Men title at all since 2016. But Uncanny…
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