Nerds on Earth
The best place on Earth for nerds.

Why Video Games Make Terrible Movies

There are two nerd worlds that simply don't go together like peanut butter and chocolate. Video games make awful movies. It would be easy to run down a list of films from so many different genres of games that have been made into…

Agent Carter Live Chat: The Atomic Job

Peggy Carter! Jarvis! An incorporeal Jason Wilkes! And a villanous Whitney Frost! This season of Agent Cater is moving fast. As you watch this week's episode, follow along with the chat below. All you folks who watch shows time shifted,…

7 Things Not to Say to Nerds

I love nerdy things. However, I sometimes pale in comparison to a lot of my friends. Around Nerds on Earth HQ I am considered the resident nerd novice. But I think of myself as the Deadpool of nerdom. I am the Anti-Nerd. I like to heckle…
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