Nerds on Earth
The best place on Earth for nerds.

Friday 5: Nerd Culture Highlights for the Week of July 17

Friday 5 collects links and videos spanning all of nerd culture – collating bits of news, fun, and other noteworthy offerings that you might have missed in the hustle and bustle of the week.

Nerd Culture Highlights for the Week of July 10, 2016

1.  Luke Cage Trailer! No words necessary, just watch!


2.  Divergent will wrap up with a TV movie.


allegiant2I’m not sure what to make of the news that the Divergent movie series will wrap up as a TV movie, then spin off into a series. Click through to the full story and see what you think.

via Variety


3.  Stranger Things is the binge watch of choice here at Nerds on Earth HQ.


Stranger Things, the new show via Netflix, is our current binge watch of choice. Wynona Ryder in 80s-style horror? Sign us up.

Watch the trailer below.


4.  Comic Con is happening now!


Comic Con has descended on San Diego, which means next week’s Friday 5 might be the Friday 15. For now, check out some publicity pictures from the first day.

via Entertainment Weekly


5.  Have we reached peak Comic Con? 

DSC_9391_2040w_3.0Word is that Hollywood isn’t putting the energy into Comic Con like they have in the past. Journalists are calling this year “quiet.” Click above for the full story about if we’ve reached peak con.

via The Verge

Those are our 5 geek culture links for this week. Join us next Friday for another Friday 5. Until then, join us on Facebook or in the comments, sharing something interesting from nerd culture we may have missed.

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